Sunday, May 5, 2013


This portion of North America focuses on the area that lies east of the boundary between California and Arizona along the Rio Grande River. It expands into Southern California, with Los Angeles home to one of the largest populations of native Spanish speakers in North America. As I discussed into my prior posting, The Coastal South, the Spanish influence is dense in the Los Angeles communities. "The U.S Census of Population in 2010 reported that countries located in close proximity to the Mexican border in Arizona and California has the highest portion of Mexican-born residents". The Mexican culture in Los Angeles is seen in the articheture and traditions throughout Los Angeles.

The desert tortoise is native to MexAmerica region and is the official state reptile of Nevada and California. They live in deserts of MexAmerica and in southeastern, California.  They are able to survive in high temperature areas because of their ability to dig underground burrows to escape the heat. Unfortunately, their populations have decreased by as much as 90% for the sale of pet trade and land development. To preserve these reptiles, the Critical Desert Tortoise Habitat, is currently making efforts to protect the endangered species.  To learn more on the preservation of the desert tortoise, visit:



Height: 4-6 inches.
Length: 9-15 inches (shell length).
Weight: 8-15 lbs.
Lifespan: 50-80 years.

Desert Tortoise, © Jonathan S. Blair / National Geographic Stock

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