Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Intermontane West

This section of the United States is located in between the two major mountain ranges of North America- the Rocky Mountains to the east and the sierra Nevada and Cascades to the west. The weather in this region is very similar to California. Mountain barriers block moisture from reaching places such as the Columbia Plain, eastern Oregon, much of Idaho and Utah, the Colorado Plateau, and southeastern California. Death Valley is located in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada which only receives 3 inches of rain and is categorized as the driest area in North America. According to The Geography of North America, rain shadow is "the leeward areas below mountain crests that receive low average rainfall. This region is popular for it camping and lodging. If interested in visiting this area, it is recommended to travel within November to March due to cooler temperatures. 

For more information on Death Valley Nation Park, visit:


Death valley also known located in the Great Basin and considered a down faulted valley. Badwater in Death valley is known as the lowest part of North America. 

Badwater- Death Valley
  • The site itself consists of a small spring-fed pool of "bad water" next to the road in a sink; the accumulated salts of the surrounding basin make it undrinkable. Its name "bad water" comes from its hazardous properties.
  • The pool of water does have animal and plant life.
  • At Badwater, significant rainstorms flood the valley bottom periodically.
  • A popular site for tourists is the sign marking "sea level" on the cliff above Badwater.

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