Monday, March 4, 2013


Fair Housing Laws that were enforced following racial discrimination in the Megalopolis region protected cities in the United States such as Los Angeles. Today, Los Angeles has an enormous population of minorities. The diversity of Los Angeles and the country is appreciated around the world. Mexican -Americans have the highest ethnic group population in Los Angeles. Barrios are located in the East end of Los Angeles where the Spanish language is a common form of dialect. According to the United States Census "Los Angeles had the largest Hispanic population of any county (4.8 million) in 2011 and the largest numeric increase since 2010 (73,000)". Los Angeles as the 2nd largest city following New York is located in the Los Angeles County metropolitan area. The largest cities in LA County are:

1) Los Angeles - 4,065,585
2) Long Beach - 492,682
3) Glendale - 207,303
4) Santa Clarita - 177,150
5) Pomona - 163,408

  •  The city flower is the bird of paradise and the city tree is the coral tree.
  •    City residents are typically called Angelenos (rhymes with casinos).
  •   Los Angeles is known by a number of nicknames, including

§  L.A.
§  City of Angels
§  Southland (typically used by local media)
§  Lalaland (my personal favorite)

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